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2. Abnormal Precipitation pattern

The world is experiencing a weather discrepancy where one place is experiencing floods, whereas the other place is experiencing droughts. This is due to a couple of reasons, and there are a couple of precipitation trends these days. 


Cause of abnormal precipitation patterns:


The heavy / lack of precipitation is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, natural climate change, oceanic phenomena, changes in the use of land, overpopulation, and deforestation. 


The problem with the excess carbon emission is that, mainly by burning fossil fuels, deforestation contributes to the extra amount of greenhouse gases. This leads to global warming and alters climate patterns. Temperature and atmospheric circulation changes can disrupt traditional precipitation patterns, leading to more intense and unpredictable rainfall in some regions and prolonged droughts in others.


For the oceanic phenomena, events like El Nino and La Nina, could influence the global weather pattern. 


For the change in the use of land, human activities, such as urbanization, deforestation, and changes in land use, can affect local and regional precipitation patterns. The alteration of natural landscapes can disrupt the water cycle and contribute to changes in precipitation.


Problems caused by abnormal precipitation patterns:


The lack / heavy precipitation impacts various parts of the world. If there are lack / too much precipitation, the crops will not grow since they need to be in a stable environment. It is the same with livestock and will impact the overall hunger, health, economy, and politics of the globe. 



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